Divine Experience with Sant Sri Alpa Ma

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  • Divine experience with Alpa Maa
    by Swati Singh Kharwad (BE (Computer Engineering) - Mumbai University) on 05 Jul 2022
    There was this Mahayagya at Karbatiya where everyone had gathered to be a part of. I had no plans to attend it as was occupied with my own set of things. But hadn't it been for Ira mausi's call, I would have missed this opportunity of getting darshan of Alpa Mama's Charan samadhi at Karbatiya.

    My brother kept on insisting for me to reach Karbatiya which I did after little push. On reaching there, I met Sitaram bapu who welcomed me with a sparkle in his eyes. Asked me about my Kedarnath trip. I shared the experience of sleeping in the laps of Swayambhu Shiva. He just smiled at me. I later went to the Charan samadhi of Alpa Maa and saw her in child form playing cheerfully and laughing with the same child like innocence. Very few people smile with their eyes. She is one of those.

    I had recently joined PwC. Whenever I saw my super boss, I could see Alpa Maa in her smile. Till date I find Alpa Maa's impression whenever I look at Krystin.

    She is blessing us from somewhere. I always get lost in her eyes whenever I go to the meditation center. Thank you Alpa Maa for everything. Will always cherish the time that I had with you.